Welcome to Frazer Civic Association

The Board of Directors would like to announce the schedule of

Upcoming Meetings for the 2005 – 2006 Season:

Fall Meeting

Wednesday, November 9 th , 2005

Bias Crimes in the Fraser Community

Winter Meeting

Wednesday, January 11 th , 2006

Focus on Energy

Spring Meeting

Wednesday, March 8 th , 2006

Historical Look at Fraser

Summer Meeting

Wednesday, May10th, 2006

To be announced

Unless otherwise noted

all meetings will be held at

Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel

1271 East 35 th Street

Avenues K and L

At 7:45 PM

Please mark your calendars and watch out for further updates.

For further information, contact:

Bob Nadel at 718-338-9119

Tom Hernandez at 212-366-7132




















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